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Class 4

Welcome to our Class 4 page!

Global Week 2024

As part of our global week, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, we took part in an enterprise challenge. After investigating existing products, we designed our own bath bombs, considering scent, colour and shape. We worked in teams to create prototypes and made necessary adjustments. We enjoyed making our final designs and using our understanding of expenses, revenue, profit and loss, we agreed on pricing to ensure that we made a healthy profit as well as selling our product at a fair price.

We then investigated packaging. We agreed that using paper bags would be cost effective, practical, appealing to the customer once decorated and, most importantly, environmentally responsible.

On the day of the sale, we prepared our stall, ensuring that our customers would have easy access to all the information they needed and also making sure our bath bombs were presented in an appealing way.

We sold all of our bath bombs and our revenue totalled: £103.40.

This means that our final profit totalled: £57.58.


Operation Space Station and World Book Day!

On Thursday, Class 4 were on a mission! We were challenged by the Commander from the National Space Centre to build our own Space Stations. Some of us had to build a Space Station for research, some of us built a Space Station for tourism and some created a Space Port. We then had to decide which crew and equipment best supported our mission.

This was all done with limited budgets and time constraints and so prompted lots of discussion and decision making.

We answered questions during the session which earned us extra credits and enabled us to extend our Space Stations.

We thoroughly enjoyed the team work and the opportunity to design and build our own Space Stations. 

Our Commander awarded points to each team to discover the overall winners of the challenge – this was the team called ‘Sigmas in Space’.

We also enjoyed a wonderful World Book Day which included a Book Swap, sharing stories with our Class 2 friends and a visit from our Secret Storyteller, Mrs Freeman. Our costumes looked amazing too!