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School Meals


Please feel free to provide your child with a healthy snack for playtime, named if possible. All Foundation stage and Key Stage 1 children are provided with a piece of fruit daily, through the Government and NHS scheme. 

Lunch arrangements

Children staying for lunch either have the choice of school meals (currently £2.45 per day), or a packed lunch. This would need to be sent in a suitable lunch box and a cup or straw provided for their drink, so that it is not drunk straight from a bottle. In the interest of promoting a healthy diet please do not provide your child with sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks for consumption at any time of the day.

The children have lunch in the School Hall with our lunchtime supervisors.

Free universal infant school meals for Reception to Year 2

In line with the introduction of the government universal infant free school meals initiative, all children from Reception, up to and including Year 2 children, are entitled to a free hot school meal. Meals must be booked on the School Grid.

Additional funding for your child- Pupil Premium

If you or your partner are on a low budget, additional financial help, called Pupil Premium funding may be made available to the School. This may be used to support one to one or small group tuition, or assistance towards school trips and activities. For advice on this and eligibility criteria, please speak to the School Office.
