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Learning at home

 Times Table RockstarsNumbotsMaths FrameSpelling FrameBBC Bitesize
 Rockstars.jpg  Numbots.jpg  maths_frame.jpg  spelling_frame.jpg  BBC_Bitesoze.png


Please click on the images above to access learning websites that support the children's learning. 


To support our Topic Curriculum, we have created 'Topic Information Sheets' which contain a range different ideas, such as: places to visit, websites to access or games to play to allow the children to continue their learning at home.  We began this process in Spring last year and will contine to update the table below to reflect our Topic Curriculum.

Topic Information Sheet Class1Class 2Class 3Class 4
Year A Spring  Wiggle, Jump, Hop and Crawl  Our Locality

 The Shoemaker

Brilliant Bodies

Year A Summer  Fossil Finders  I'm Alive  The Ages  Greeks
Year B Autumn

People Who Help Us

Once Upon A Time 

 Tremendous Transport  Awesome Earth  WW2
Year B Spring

Polar Explorers

Handa's Suprise

Time Travellers Ancient Egyptians Global Food Challenge
Year B Summer

Blast Off!

Growing up

Food Glorious Food! Sensory Cafe The Lovely Planet