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Head's Blog

Our trip to St Ives

One of the things that we really missed whilst the world was dealing with Coronavirus was taking our pupils on some amazing off-site educational experiences. It has been fantastic to be able to offer so many day trips this year, and just before half term, we took a group of Year 5 and 6 children from across the Federation down to Cornwall for a week long residential.

The children and staff had a wonderful time, visiting St Michael’s Mount, Tate St Ives, Newquay Zoo, Land’s End, the Eden Project, as well as the beach, which is something that we don’t have the chance to do very often, being located in the middle of England! It was a great opportunity for some Geography fieldwork, as well as include aspects of our Global Curriculum. The children also produced some excellent artwork, inspired by the beautiful Cornwall countryside. This was then followed up with a their trip to the Tate to look at the work of local artists.

We were so proud of the children, who were very well behaved and remained in good spirits, even during the long journey home. New friendships were made and the children were great company, with lots of stories for us all to share on our return.

Summer term update

We’ve had a really busy summer term so far, and it has been lovely to be able to return to some of the activities that we had to forgo over the past couple of years. We have taken part in some class trips and sporting events, as well as returning to Birmingham to take part in a Young Voices concert. Shortly, many of our older pupils will be travelling to Cornwall for a five days of activities and exploring.

Our pupils return to school on Tuesday 7th June for the start of Term 6, and we have four very exciting days planned!

Tuesday will be our Jubilee Celebration Day, and children are invited to wear red, white and blue clothing (but please, no football or sports kits). Dolce’s school meals have a picnic theme, and we hope to have a whole school picnic, both for those ordering school meals and those bringing a packed lunch.

During the morning, we will be enjoying many different activities, including learning about the history of the monarchy. Our afternoon will be filled with red, white and blue art activities.

One child in each family will be bringing home a specially published book commemorating the Jubilee, which has been sent to schools across the country.