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Busy, busy, busy!

We are half way through Term 5 already, and we have a jam-packed calendar ahead of us for the remainder of the Summer Term. Hopefully we will be able to enjoy lots of sunny days and exciting activities before the end of the school year.

I am so proud of our conscientious pupils, who have worked very hard in readiness for their end of key stage SATS. It can be a daunting time for many, and they have approached this period with grace and determination, as always.

We are really excited to be returning to a big arena for our Young Voices concert shortly, something that we missed greatly during the lock-down periods over the past two years. Our Choirs have been busy rehearsing, and sound wonderful.

Our Key Stage 2 residential trips are coming up soon too, and the staff and children are looking forward to some fun-packed itineraries, both close by and further afield.

Now that restrictions have been lifted, we are able to take part in some sports fixtures within the Cluster and the District, giving pupils a chance to develop their skills and compete with local schools.

We are pleased to announce that, after the enforced break, our end of year performance is back on the calendar. The children always perform with such enthusiasm and joy, and it is a wonderful way to round off the school year.

And that is just part of it- we have Jubilee Celebrations, a Global Focus week, Sports Day and PTA events, as well as saying goodbye to our older pupils, and getting ready to welcome our new intake. What a busy term!