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Festive plans!

I cannot believe how quickly this term is going and that we only have 1 week left in school! We are very much hoping that these can be as festive and enjoyable as possible for the children, even with a visit from Father Christmas on the last day!

All of our planned events will be fully risk assessed with COVID cases and the current situation in mind. Our aim will be for festivities to be as normal as possible without compromising the safety of any children, staff or visiting adults.

The first of our planned events was Theme Day, and the children and parents had a wonderful time. It is always such a fun, creative day and this year was no exception.

Our festivities will culminate in ‘Carols Round the Tree’ on the last day of term, and all children in Key Stages One and Two will be singing traditional Carols, accompanied a Nativity scene performed by Class Two.

After the Carol Concert has finished, FOYS have kindly agreed to provide teas, coffees and mince pies during which we will draw the FOYS Christmas raffle.

Following the refreshments, Class One will then perform their Nativity. We would ask that only parents, carers and relatives of these children watch this performance to ensure that we keep the numbers low in the hall and to allow us to socially distance if necessary.

Of course, our plans may need to change, but we are really hoping that they will be able to go ahead as planned, and we can celebrate ahead of the Christmas break.