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Head's Blog

FOYS Quiz - Saturday 27th February

I hope you are all enjoying some lovely weather for a change. We are busy preparing for the full opening on March 8th and I will hopefully get a letter out to you all about this very soon. There are no major changes, just a few reminders about timings etc.

In the meantime, the wonderful FOYS team and, in particular the Adamson family, have organised a virtual quiz on Saturday evening. Like all schools, the contributions made by PTAs make a huge difference, particularly at the moment when we are facing reduced incomes through nursery and wrap around care etc.

Hopefully I will see some of you on Saturday!

Dear Parents and Carers

With most fundraising events restricted at this time, FOYS are doing some remarkable work to raise money for your school charity through innovative virtual events. You will have seen details of the great fundraising work FOYS have delivered published in the latest newsletter and an idea of what is planned in the coming months!

On the 27th February FOYS are holding their second virtual quiz night to support our wonderful school. It will be an evening of thinking, fun and madness with family and friends and a mystery prize for the winner. The quiz night is always one we look forward to in the FOYS event calendar and bringing the quiz into the virtual space was a huge success last time! It was great fun and at £10 per household entry it is great value for money for an evening’s virtual quizzing entertainment!

These events don’t work without the support of you, our parents, carers, families, friends and children. It would be wonderful if we could get even more household entries this time!

To book please email Vanessa Adamson, by 25th February 2021 and you will receive a zoom invitation before the quiz. Please ensure you have downloaded the zoom app in advance.

Please pay your £10 donation online to FOYS, Sort code: 20-57-44, Account: 73852903.

Virtual quiz hall opens at 7.45pm and the quiz will start at 8pm prompt.

See you there!

From all of us on the FOYS team

Update 22/02/2021

We are delighted with the news that we can welcome all children back to school on 8th March...only 2 more weeks of home learning!

Department of Education guidelines on the logistics of this have just been released and we will study these carefully over the next couple of days and get back to you. At this stage, it looks as though there will be little change from the pre Christmas routines i.e. staggered starts and self contained bubbles. Although, now, all primary school staff will take 2 rapid COVID tests each week, at home, to hopefully identify positive cases more quickly.

I will write again over the next couple of days with full details but please come back to me in the meantime if you have any questions, worries or concerns about the full return.

Take care,