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Caldecott Trip

We’ve had a really exciting time in Class 4! Recently, we all took a trip to Caldecott to enjoy a fun-packed day at their outdoor adventure centre.

We all took part in three different activities to consolidate our SMART values. These were bushcraft, abseiling and canoeing. In bushcraft we learned how to make fires with flint and how to work cooperatively to design and make our own shelter. In abseiling we challenged ourselves first to put on all of the safety equipment, then to go to the top of the abseiling tower and finally to abseil down. Many of us completed all three challenges but we are equally proud of those of us who completed just challenges one and two. Simply going to the top of the tower and looking over the top requires great resilience and self-confidence if you are not keen on heights!

In canoeing, we worked together to steer the canoes. Several groups took part in races with other teams and some of us were even encouraged to paddle while standing up! The whole day was a great opportunity to get to know our new classmates, learn new skills, work cooperatively and challenge ourselves.


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