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Class 3

Welcome to our Class 3 page! 

Class 3's Glorious Garden

Last week we enjoyed working in our glorious garden where we tidied, weeded, potted and planted a variety of food including strawberries, carrots, parsley and poppy seeds.  We will be able to serve the food in our federation café at the end of term and cant wait to see the results!

Class_3_garden_1.jpeg Class_3_garden_2.jpeg Class_3_mushrooms.jpeg

World Religion Day 2023

Today, Class 3 have been learning about Mosques as part of World Religion Day.  In preparation, their homework was to research what would be found inside a Mosque, the people involvoled in running it and the main features and their purpose. This was then brought together by making their own model of a mosque and labelling the important parts.