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Safer Internet Day

From coverage in the press, you are probably aware that Safer Internet Day takes place in early February. This is observed throughout the world as a means of celebrating the advantages of the internet alongside its dangers and potential risks to children.

The theme for this year is 'All fun and games? Exploring Respect and Relationships on line.' As a school, in conjunction with Children's Mental Health Week, we are completing some activities around internet safety.

As part of my assembly, we watched a video on the theme of gaming and online communication, and how to respond and interact appropriately. The link for this is as follows:

This website also has a very good section for parents with advice, guides and resources for keeping children safe on line. The link is as follows:

We are currently updating our Online Safety Policy and will publish it on our school website shortly. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns about internet safety, there are a few people in school who you can get in touch with. You can obviously talk to your child's teacher but, more specifically, our Online Safety and Computing Leads. Both of them can offer help and advice and can signpost you to support if you need it.