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Equality and our Global badges

We are really pleased with how the children have settled back into school and it has been so lovely to see our school routines getting back to normal. Whole school assemblies have been lovely, especially hearing all the children singing together!

This week, we were privileged to have a presentation from James in Year 6 on Deafness. James’s brother, Jasper, has just joined us in Reception. James was involved in a project on Equality in the Summer Term and choose Deafness as his project focus because of his family connections. We were all impressed with James, and learnt about how society has responded to deafness both now and in the past, and how we can support children, and in particular Jasper, who have hearing loss.

In the assembly, I also talked to the children about our Global Curriculum and the process of ‘learn, think, act’. We discussed what ‘act’ might ‘look like’ in a global context for the children in our school. We agreed that, for our youngest children, this may be helping their friends, looking after their toys etc. By the time the children get to the top of the school this may have a wider context: it could be raising money for charities, taking individual action to prevent climate change etc. It has been lovely how many children have responded to this and how many global badges I have been able to award in recognition of their globally aware ‘actions’.

 Global G        Global M