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Classes for 21.22 and move up mornings

 hope you are all enjoying the lovely sunshine. Please apply sun cream and remind the children about sun hats over the next day or so…they will be needed!

As per usual, this term is flying by and we are already considering arrangements for next September. We really hope that things will be more normal by then and that bubbles will become a thing of the past but, in view of the government announcement yesterday, I think we will have to wait for further clarification before we can make definitive plans for next year’s logistics.

We can, however, advise you of the class structure and teaching staff for next year. I am delighted to say that our amazing staff team remains unchanged and the classes are as follows: 

Class One

Nursery & Reception

Miss Amber Hayfield, Mrs Katie Evans, Mrs Lisa Kolodziejczyk

Class Two

Year 1 & Year 2

Miss Emily Spooner, Miss Melody Tipton, Mrs Ciara Madden, Mrs Laura Law, Mrs Lois Freeman

Class Three

Year 3 & Year 4

Mr Andy Baker, Mrs Kim Beasant, Mrs Amanda Nisbett, Mrs Claire Weedon

Class Four

Year 5 & Year 6

Mrs Bernie Nevison, Mrs Shannon Rutter, Mrs Claire Thompson, Mrs Caroline Pritchard

Move Up Mornings

We are really pleased that move up mornings will be able to take place this year. As we had scheduled these for after June 21st , we had hoped that all the children would be able to mix together but this will now not be the case. We will now keep the year groups separate but, no matter what, your child will spend some time with their new class teacher if they are moving class.

Move up mornings will take place on Tuesday 22nd June and Monday 28th June. To avoid logistical issues and confusing staggered starts on the move up morning, children should arrive at their usual time and go to their current class. Our full move up programme will then start at 9:15am and we will move the children accordingly.

Transition Meetings

All teachers are now writing end of year reports and preparing for transition meetings where you can meet with your child’s existing and new class teachers to discuss progress this year and targets for moving forward. These will be held on Monday 28th  June, Wednesday 30th June  and Thursday 1st July and will be via Zoom. A link for booking this meeting will be sent within the next 24 hours. The procedure will be the same as for parents meetings and each meeting will be booked with your child’s current class teacher who will send a zoom link out for the meeting along with your child’s report. They will also invite your child’s next teacher, where appropriate.

End of Year Events

As restrictions have not been fully lifted, we will not be able to hold our usual Sports Days. We will, however, be holding ‘bubble only’ events. Unfortunately, due to restrictions on numbers outside, we will be unable to invite you to spectate. We will try to share as many pictures as we can via the school website and your Google classrooms.

We will also be unable to hold a whole school performance but are looking to sort out a performance of some sort for the Year 5 and 6 children, more details to follow.

We are currently looking at the logistics of Year 6 leavers celebrations, whilst complying with the current regulations. We will communicate directly with relevant parents about this over the next couple of days

As usual, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I can be contacted by email at any time but will be at Yardley on Friday if you would like to speak to me then.