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Easter Update


I cannot quite believe that we have reached term break. The children have been brilliant since our full return and school life certainly seems to be feeling a little like normal!  When we return after Easter, we will still be operating bubbles and staggered starts but we are really hoping that as the restrictions ease, so too will the constraints on school life.

I hope you and your families are able to enjoy a slight relaxation in the restrictions over the holidays. I have been asked by Public Health England to send out a letter advocating a cautious approach over the next couple of weeks. This letter has been emailed to you all. In the very unfortunate event of any children or family members testing positive for COVID over the holidays, please let me know by email. This is especially relevant for the first 3 days of the break when there may be implications for contacts in school.

We are really hoping to reinstate some of our usual summer events over the coming term but will await guidance to see what is permissible. We are very aware that our Key Stage 2 children have missed out on residential visits once again this year. We are, however, looking at options for day trips later in the Summer Term, regulations permitting. We will write to you with more details of this and potential Key Stage 1 trips after the holidays. Residentials for the following year for all Key Stage 2 children have already been pencilled in; again, more details will follow shortly.

Many thanks for your positive feedback about the RSE policy which has been overwhelmingly supportive. We are very grateful for your faith in us to deliver this curriculum in a sensitive and age appropriate way. Your child’s class teacher will, of course, write to you in the Summer Term ahead of any potentially sensitive lessons. We will also be compiling a list of the frequently asked questions and responses to share with you. The policy, once formally approved by Governors, will be added to the website.

During the second week of term (19th and 21st April), we will be holding Parents’ Evenings. The link will be sent out shortly to enable you to book a slot. These will be held via Zoom and your child’s class teacher will contact you with a Zoom link ahead of the meeting, once you have made your booking.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter break and enjoy some time with your children at home without a Google Classroom looming!

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 12th April.