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Welcome back!

Welcome back! We are delighted with how the children have settled back in school. Everyone seems very refreshed and ready to start learning. It has been lovely to see so many happy, smiling faces!

Obviously, you will have heard about the proposed national lockdown on Thursday and we are delighted  and relieved that schools are not effected and will remain open. As far as we are concerned, it is business as usual and all children will be expected in school. Our school day will look just as it did last term and the children should not see any significant differences.

We will obviously continue with our robust hand and respiratory hygiene and maintain bubbles, socially distancing as much as possible. Please can I remind all parents to socially distance around the school premises. We do have some clinically vulnerable staff who are being brilliant at wanting to come into school and remain at work, so I would like to protect them as much as possible.

Ultimately, our aim is to keep children, staff and parents as safe as possible whilst providing an exciting curriculum! If you are unsure of any of our COVID routines, a copy of our risk assessment is under  Statutory Information in the Key Policies section on the website along with our Operating Procedure.

As usual, I am available in person, on the phone or by email if you wish to discuss any of the above.